Tel: 01285 640248

01285 640248

We are happy to undertake any level of Dental Implant, CBCT Scan, Endodontic or Hygiene Referral that you would like us to do for your patients.

Referral Form to Download / Print

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In addition to accepting Referrals, we also offer Implant Restoration/Referral Courses for GDPs and the whole Dental Team as well as local discussion forums and networking opportunities through the Cirencester ITI* Study Club (see below for more details). (*International Team for Implantology)

“As a Referring Dentist, we totally appreciate how critical it is that you are kept well-informed of your patient’s referral journey with us, and that they are returned to your very good care once treatment is complete.” Dr Ross Cutts

Whatever Referral you require from us, we undertake to ensure the following:

  • Immediate contact with your patient to arrange their initial Consultation as quickly as possible.
  • Full written explanation and detailed costings of all proposed treatment/options to ensure that your patient is comfortable and confident about the treatment that they are embarking on.
  • Explanation of different payment options to allow your patient to select the method that best suits their individual needs, including 0% Finance* (* Typical 0% APR. Subject to status.)
  • Written communication with you, the referring dentist, to confirm and update you of your patient’s treatment journey at every stage.
  • Written communication with you, the referring dentist, to confirm when your patient has completed their treatment with us and is being returned to your care.


Please find below further information on the Referrals and Training we offer:


CBCT Scan Referral

Dental CT scans allow dentists to plan for complex dental procedures with incredible precision and accuracy by providing information about jaws in all three dimensions. Refer a patient to us for a CBCT scan for £175
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Dental Implant Referral

We are happy to undertake any level of Implant Dentistry for your patients that you would like us to do including patient assessment, implant placement, bone grafting and sinus lift/augmentation or a full implant case referral
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root canal treatment

Endodontic referral

Endodontic Referral Endodontic referrals will be handled at Cirencester Dental Practice on two Fridays a month
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Hygienist Referral

To refer your patient to see a Hygienist at Stow-on-the-Wold Dental Practice or Cirencester Dental Practice for a 30 min or 60 minute treatment, please simply download, print out and send us a Hygienist Referral Form.


Cirencester ITI* Study Clubs (* International Team for Implantology)

ITI Study Clubs represent a local channel of communication that allows for the dissemination of the latest developments in implant dentistry, as well as providing a valuable networking opportunity. ITI Members participate free of charge, while non-ITI Members can attend up to two meetings as guests.
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Getting started in Implants Course

Book in for a totally bespoke ‘Lunch & Learn’ presentation at your practice to cover the elements of the Implant Referral/Restoration process that is most appropriate for your practice. Open to all GDPs.
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Advanced Implant Course

For clinicians looking to develop their breadth of implant knowledge, we hold a variety of different events (in conjunction with Straumann) both at our practices and across the UK.
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We offer consultations for all Referral Patients

This is a no-obligation, comprehensive oral examination which results in the production of a fully-costed individual plan for your patient’s treatment.